Synopsis: After challenging Drew to a ‘loser must run butt-naked for a mile’ contest, May struggles to overcome a curveball that threatens to have her masterplan backfire on her. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from the Pokémon universe,...
AUTHOR’S NOTE (2021/06/04): This story was formerly titled All Is Fair (and May’s Pink Surprise before that). I’ve changed the title for the third and final time, but would like to reassure you it is in fact the same story as before and the first...
Synopsis: Max, a bright but pathological voyeur, sets out to expose all the town’s dirty, little secrets, only to capture a shocking affair that throws his practice into question. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from the Pokémon...
Synopsis: After stealing a glimpse of May without her clothes on, Ash faces the challenge of maintaining their friendship while confronting his growing desire for more. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from the Pokémon universe, which is...
Synopsis: Max, a bright but pathological voyeur, sets out to expose all the town’s dirty, little secrets, only to capture a shocking affair that throws his practice into question. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from the Pokémon...