Synopsis: When an unapologetic sleazeball happens upon a certain young and naive Coordinator, he embraces the opportunity to impose a hands-on demonstration of his favourite technique. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from the Pokémon...
Hi readers, Hope you’ve all been well. Another quick update — I am, and have been, dedicating most of my free time to a project I’m aiming to complete before year-end. Unfortunately, this means fan fiction is going to take a back seat. While...
Synopsis: With the prestigious Galar Gym Leaders Conference only months away, Bea faces a mammoth obstacle in her pursuit to reclaim her peak physique. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from the Pokémon universe, which is trademarked by...
Synopsis: Tifa will do anything to stop Rude and Reno from dropping the plate on the people of Sector 7, while her closest allies can only watch in dismay. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from the Final Fantasy universe, which is...
Synopsis: When Ashido closes herself off for mysterious reasons, Kirishima musters the rock-hard determination to break through her walls. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from the My Hero Academia universe, which is trademarked by Kōhei...