Author’s Notes

Quick Update on Future Fan Fiction Strategy

Hi readers, Hope you've all been well. Another quick update -- I am, and have been, dedicating most of my free time to a project I'm aiming to complete before year-end. Unfortunately, this means fan fiction is going to take a back seat. While I'll continue to write...

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Author’s Notes – Slowly But Surely

Hey everybody, I just realised it's literally been almost year since I posted an author's note. Yikes! I hope this post finds you well and enjoying all the wonderful fan fiction out there. I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I'm still writing and plan to...

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Author’s Notes – Writing Update

Hi guys, Been a while since I've written an Author's Note and thought I'd give a quick update for anyone who's interested. For the last month and a bit, I've been working on a collection of short stories I'd like to publish this year. As much as I love writing fan...

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Author’s Notes – One More To Go?

Hi everyone! Feels like it's been a minute. And I just realised now I didn't make a single blog post in November ^^' Was another busy month to say the least. I'm glad to have ticked another box off my list of incomplete fics. Now I only have Once Smitten, Twice Bi to...

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Author’s Notes – It’s A Wrap!

Woo! Can't express the relief I feel after finally completing Under Covers Investigator! What was originally slated to be 3 chapters wound up being 5 and at times I felt 'stuck' trying to get the whole thing done. Following a suggestion from one of my readers, I've...

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October 10, 2020

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