Synopsis: Max, a bright but pathological voyeur, sets out to expose all the town’s dirty, little secrets, only to capture a shocking affair that throws his practice into question. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from the Pokémon...
Synopsis: Max, a bright but pathological voyeur, sets out to expose all the town’s dirty, little secrets, only to capture a shocking affair that throws his practice into question. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from the Pokémon...
Synopsis: Minoru Mineta is forced to confront his impish behaviour when Momo Yaoyorozu threatens serious consequences the next time she catches him peeping on her. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from the My Hero Academia universe, which...
Synopsis: Minoru Mineta is forced to confront his impish behaviour when Momo Yaoyorozu threatens serious consequences the next time she catches him peeping on her. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from the My Hero Academia universe, which...
Synopsis: Minoru Mineta is forced to confront his impish behaviour when Momo Yaoyorozu threatens serious consequences the next time she catches him peeping on her. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from the My Hero Academia universe, which...