Synopsis: Gary Oak, pokémon researcher and heartthrob extraordinaire, never yearned for anything his arch rival Ash Ketchum had, not until a chance encounter introduces him to Ash’s new girlfriend. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from...
Synopsis: Gary Oak, pokémon researcher and heartthrob extraordinaire, never yearned for anything his arch rival Ash Ketchum had, not until a chance encounter introduces him to Ash’s new girlfriend. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from...
AUTHOR’S NOTE (2021/06/04): This story was formerly titled All Is Fair (and May’s Pink Surprise before that). I’ve changed the title for the third and final time, but would like to reassure you it is in fact the same story as before and the first...
Synopsis: Gary Oak, pokémon researcher and heartthrob extraordinaire, never yearned for anything his arch rival Ash Ketchum had, not until a chance encounter introduces him to Ash’s new girlfriend. DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction borrowing characters from...
AUTHOR’S NOTE (2021/06/04): This story was formerly titled All Is Fair (and May’s Pink Surprise before that). I’ve changed the title for the third and final time, but would like to reassure you it is in fact the same story as before and the first...