Author’s Notes – Ho Hum

Hi guys, Once again I find myself having to apologize for the delay. I must sound like  a broken record at this point. ^^’ I spent the last week and a half helping a buddy of mine fulfill a business need. While I’m happy to report it was ultimately a...

Author’s Notes – Still cumming…

Hi guys! So turns out, I didn’t get as much time to finish up the new My Hero Academia Fic fic as I’d anticipated. ^^’ Also, looks like I’m going to split it into two chapters rather than one long one-shot. I’ll be uploading both chapters...

Author’s Notes – So, what’s next?

Coming off completing Doing The Oakey Pokey and having a few brief exchanges with readers, I’ve decided to start publishing regular blog posts, most likely on a weekly basis. I have a tendency to disappear in work and life and writing, which sometimes leaves...